Kisser, BSN, RN, Staff Nurse Practitioner, Joahnna
Fournier, MSN, CPNP-PC,
Wellness Health Assistant Tammy Davis, CNA, and Nurse Practitioner Supervisor,
Kearen Jabaji, MSN, CRNP
Our school is lucky enough to have a Nurse Practitioner onsite on Wednesdays (8:30 am - 2:45 pm) and Thursdays mornings (8:00 to 11:30 am) to see students who are enrolled in the Wellness Program here at Chesapeake High School. The Baltimore Country Department of Health has placed wellness centers throughout the county at various schools to provide extended health care to their community of students. This Nurse Practitioner can provide sports physicals, wellness physicals, treats acute illnesses as necessary with prescription medications, administers immunizations, can co-manage chronic health problems with your child’s doctor if needed such as asthma, and many other things that your personal health care provider would be seen for. She can see your student during the school day, saving you transport and time. Parental consent is required for your student to receive health care from the Wellness Center, and when needed, an appointment will be scheduled during the school day. Please complete and return the wellness application packet on the forms page and return to any staff member in the Nurse’s Health Suite.
**Sports physicals can be done by our Wellness Nurse Practitioners as well! These are completed on a first come first serve basis based on when completed paperwork is submitted. It is wise to complete and submit paperwork for sports physicals WELL before they are due if you intend to get your physical in The Wellness Center (also considering they are only here the 2 days, not every day of the week). Sports physical and history forms are in addition to wellness application and are on the forms page.