COVID-19 Information

DO NOT SEND YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL if showing any of the following signs/symptoms:

  • Fever greater than 100° in the last 24 hours.
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Worsening, or persistent cough

Please email or call Nurse Albrecht directly at [email protected] or 443-809-0070 for any questions, concerns, or clarification for your student’s illness. 

 BCPS COVID guidelines are based on CDC recommendations, which have recently changed during early 2024.

Please review the following changes, effective 4/4/24:

  • The mandatory 6-day isolation period following COVID infection has been eliminated. Persons with COVID infection should now follow the same guidelines as persons with other respiratory illnesses by staying home until fever (100 degrees or higher) has been gone for 24 hours without fever reducing medications and other symptoms are improving.


  • The updated protocol indicates that the School Nurse will continue to provide physical distancing within the Health Suite of students who are ill and awaiting parent pick-up.


  • The updated protocol eliminates the requirement for masking upon return to school after COVID infection, but now encourages (versus requiring) those returning to school after COVID infection to follow prevention strategies that include avoiding close contact with others (when appropriate) and wearing a well-fitting mask.


  • The updated protocol eliminates the requirement for nurses to contact all students who report COVID infection. Tracking of COVID infections is no longer needed.

What if my student is positive for Covid?

Persons with COVID infection should now follow the same guidelines as persons with other respiratory illnesses by staying home until fever has been gone for 24 hours without fever reducing medications and other symptoms are improving. To be clear, this means if you are giving your student Tylenol, Motrin, Advil or other fever reducing medication, do not send them until that has NOT been given for 24 hours AND their temperature remains under 100 degrees. If it goes back up, the 24 hour clock should start over.

Your student should use their BCPS device at home to continue to do all their schoolwork on time via Schoology course pages to the best of their ability. They will still be required to complete all missed assignments, regardless of illness. They can reach out to their teachers via Schoology message to let them know they are ill if they wish to do so, and ask any questions about the online work, etc. Please reach out to their teacher, guidance counselor or administrator for further academic related questions.


Where can I find Covid testing?

In home testing kits are available at all pharmacies, most grocery stores, and anywhere healthcare products can be purchased.

Home Covid tests are no longer provided from BCPS schools. 

You can still get covid testing appointments at all Urgent Care locations, local health clinics, your local pharmacy (Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid) or at your personal doctor’s office per their specific policies. 

Please see the BCPS policy via The Social Emotional Support Office for more information.